Portfolio Piece 1


Portfolio #1

Many of us lack motivation. If it’s to do work of any sort or anything in general. People tend to be lazy a lot of times and always try to find easier ways to do it. Anywhere from cleaning their room, doing their homework, helping around the house or working out.

Since elementary school I was never a lazy kid. I was always active ready to learn and do something new. As for being clean and helpful I was young so it was understandable. I had the motivation to get up every day and attend school excited for the day to start and be the best I can be.

Middle school is where many things changed. I became more active, athletic, and responsible. There has to be something in you that makes you want to do something, but it wasn’t that way for me. I felt like I did the things I did because people depended on it. I’m not sure if that is the way everyone felt but things just got worse then on.

In high school I felt like school just wasn’t for me. I never worked out, do homework or sometimes show up to class. It seemed motivation didn’t exist in my world. I would get home, watch TV and play video games but never what I had to do. My brother was in the military for 8 years and since he was always gone it was like he didn’t exist to me. I was young to even care. But for some odd reason he came for a visit on his last year before his release and I was at the age of 16. He let me on to the story of his high school experience and how he managed a night job while still going to school and help my mom out with 7 kids and still managed to graduate at top 10% of his class with a 3.77 GPA. I tried showing I didn’t care but inside I knew he was right and it as if I knew I was wrong the whole time but was just waiting for someone to let me know, like I needed someone to motivate me. I thought a lot of what he had told me and began to make small changes in my life. Soon small changes led to bigger changes. I began attending class everyday, turning in homework, helping around the house and doing what had to be done. I began doing it for my brother first, but soon realized I was doing it for myself. He gave me the motivation to do many of the things I do today. My life may not be perfect, yet far from it but I know that if it wasn’t for him, who knows how it would have turned out. My brother never gives up and always pushes forward; he has one of the toughest spirits that seems impossible to break. That is the motivation I wake up with everyday, to be like my brother.

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