Navy SEALs Work Environment and Training

The job of a Navy SEAL relies heavily on adaptability and teamwork. Members train and work in all manner of environments, including desert and urban areas, mountains and woodlands, and jungle and arctic conditions. Whatever the specific mission and surroundings, you’ll utilize the specialized skills and the high-tech equipment required. And you’ll operate not only as a highly capable individual but also as a member of tightly knit SEAL units. These include task units (32-man), platoons (16-man), squads (8-man), teams (4-man) and swim buddy (2-man). The comprehensive SEAL training process prepares you for the extreme physical and mental challenges of SEAL missions. Your preparation will consist of more than 12 months of initial training that includes Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL BUD/S School, Parachute Jump School and SEAL Qualificiation Training (SQT), followed by an additional 18 months of pre-deployment training and intensive specialized training. Everything in training is designed to push you to your physical and mental limits. If you’re up to the task, you’ll emerge in incredible physical shape and possess the necessary confidence, determination and teamwork to succeed in a combat environment.

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